Sunday, May 29, 2011

There's a verse that has hit very close to home for me lately. I actually read it once last week and I heard it at the service at Highlands today! The verse is Matthew 5:16. It says "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your father in Heaven."

Read it and really let it sink in. Let your light shine before men, (everybody, the Earth, the entire population, whoever you encounter in your life, daily, weekly, once a year, whoever!) So that, they will see your good works and glorify your father in Heaven. How powerful. It makes me think about our confidence, our personalities, what traits each and every one of us carry, and how we come across to others. Not just how we come across to others, but also how we represent God. As Christians, we have a responsibility. We are to live *as best we can, in Christs image. It's a tall order.

So, when I read this verse last week, I had already been thinking about where most of us gain our confidence from. I had also been thinking about self image and representation, and being faithful to the Lord. I know that even after I was saved, there are times where I have hoped to gain my confidence completely from the Lord, but have, as all humans do, gotten it from somewhere else. A relationship, expectations from friends and family, our job, or love or accomplishments that don't come from the Lord. In almost every devotional I read in my book daily, in some way, God reminds me that I can only be fulfilled by Him. That my LIGHT- comes from God and God alone. He is the only thing that satisfies.

Pastor Rizzo said in church today that each and every one of us has a specific gift, a story to tell to others, that fits into Gods ultimate story and plan for our life.

But how often do we really and truly believe that we are living to let our light from God shine, that we are living to fulfill his purpose and calling for our life? Because let's face it, we live in a fallen world, a world where the devil is present and consistently working to try to tear us down. That is his ONLY purpose. (John 10:10)

Lately, I've been going through a season in my life. Of course, we are always going to have tribulation in the world, but in John 16:33, Jesus says, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” That verse is so comforting. That if we love Jesus and trust Him, we have His spirit and the power to overcome through Him! So, this season in my life where, I had been in a relationship and really was only ever with him.That is where my confidence was coming from. Only, my confidence wasn't built up. It was low, and beaten on. He wasn't building me up! I felt like nothing! Empty and lonely. Why? Because I wasn't looking to the right place, I wasn't getting it from God! Coming out of that, growing closer to the Lord daily, I've realized that no man, no friend, no family member can EVER build us up and give us the love, support and confidence that the Lord does. In Psalm 54:4 it says, "Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me." (NIV)

The Lord is the one who sustains me. Not a job, not money, not family, a signifigant other. THE LORD! I mean come on. That's pretty powerful. The best part? God- he doesn't expect us to be perfect! He doesn't have unrealistic expectations! HE is perfect! The bible promises that he will never leave us or forsake us. (Hebrews 13:5)It is the perfect relationship, if you choose to let Him into your life, if you choose to trust Him, if you choose to walk by faith! ( 2 Cor 5:7)

Sometimes, both Christians and non Christians look at having faith as a cop out, as a last resort, as an easy way out. How far from the truth! Let me tell you, from personal experience, life gets harder. It is NOT easy to put your faith and trust into God when we really don't have anything but His word and promises to trust. But if you ever pick up His word, it is filled with truth and wisdom and knowledge. And let me tell you, when you draw near to God, when you invite the Holy Spirit to live in you, YOU gain that trust! That faith! That wisdom and knowledge! Here is how powerful the Lord is, here is how we know that GOD has all of our answers!

"that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, and in assurance of understanding and the knowledge of Gods mystery, which is Christ, in whom are hidden ALL of the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." Colossians 2:2-3

God desperately wants us to understand Him, but first His importance of mystery and His will. We don't always understand why He does the things He does or why he lets things happen. Why has God put me in a season where I CHOSE to be caught up in an unhealthy abusive relationship? And after getting out of that, needing support, why has he made me feel angry and disappointed at the lack of support I feel I have from my peers? Why did he move me to Alabama far away from my family and really the only people I have ever leaned on or trusted? Why? TO LEAN ON HIM! FULLY! TO WALK BY FAITH! God hasn't satisfied my needs in a relationship or with a solid group of peers yet because I am putting my TRUST in the wrong place! He is showing me that I need to look fully to Him, for healing, love and comfort, forgiveness, compassion, understanding and GRACE! That first and ONLY, my wisdom, knowledge, counsel and approval comes from GOD and GOD alone!

So, this verse, really hit my heart when it appeared in my life again today. Sometimes, we feel that the light is out. We feel like giving up. Like if we don't gain the approval of the man we're dating, or get exactly what we need from our friends and family at exactly the right time (let's face it, we as humans are DEMANDING), it's all over. But if we truly learn to trust the Lord and accept His trials as ways to persevere, (James 1:2)we will begin to unfold and instill in us His mighty wisdom and knowledge.

The light is not out. It is not over. In fact, when we put our faith, hope, dreams and we start talking to and really being open with God, HE will open our eyes. It's a choice. He already knows what we feel, our thoughts, our hearts, our emotions. In 1 John 3:20, it says "If our hearts condemn us, we know that God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything." HE KNOWS EVERYTHING! He knows it all. He will give you your confidence back, the second His overpowering love hits you, it's impossible not to feel like you can conquer anything. (Phil 4:13)

Sometimes, actually a lot of the time, our flesh fails. We need God to pick us back up, we need a little dose of His love. And sometimes, the only way we will understand what he is doing in our lives is to PRAY! Last week, I felt so lonely. I felt let down and disappointed. Why? I had a lack of confidence, trust. I had unanswered questions, and was angry because I felt no comfort from anybody in my life. Well, I pray and read and worship daily, but I still didn't have the answer as to why I was feeling the way I was. One morning, in my car, I started to openly just talk to God. I get a little stern with God at times. It's okay to be angry as long as we don't sin out of anger and let the devil get ahold of us. You know His word says "Be angry, and yet do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger,and do not give the devil an opportunity. (Ephesians 4:26-27)I just asked God one day, "WHY? Why did you let me think I could go to people and expect support only to be let down? Why do I feel so lonely? Why God?" You know what God did? He answered me. In my car. I've let you be disappointed and let down Caitlin, because you're not looking in the right place. You feel empty and lonely because you are looking to be fulfilled by earthly relationships, when really who you need to be looking to, is ME. WOW. It hit me hard. But ain't that the truth.

Later that day, I picked up Battlefield of the Mind, (by Joyce Meyer, a personal Godsend to me) and her chapter was all about her getting hurt with a group of ladies because she had been placing her trust in them instead of God. Joyce Meyers advice was something like this: "I learned I had been leaning on people in my life and placing IN THEM, A TRUST THAT BELONGS ONLY TO GOD. We can only go so far in any human relationship. If we go beyond the Lords mighty wisdom, trouble will brew." AMEN. So I meditated on that. Here are a few last words. We must have an open mind and an open heart with God. He knows us all, inside and out, but it is our free will to hope in God, to talk to Him, and to let His spirit work in us. Really work in us. God never said it would be easy, He just promised it will be worth it one day. We have to believe that He knows best. His word says He is a mighty counselor, our healer, that He is a shield for all who take refuge in Him. (Psalm 18:2)

Our light comes from Him, we serve Him so we can shine for others, and He works in our spirit if we let Him. Only God can satisfy! All my hope is in you God!

"God, I'm so thankful for all of the work you have done in me Lord, that you are my mighty counselor and my greatest friend in my time of need. God I'm so thankful for your faithfulness and the fact that your word says you will never leave me or forsake me. Lord, I'm eternally grateful for all of the wisdom and the knowledge that I gain from being in this perfect relationship with you, God, and for all of the power and hope and trust your Word instills in me daily, God. God, thank you for your constant reminder that my gifts, confidence and LIGHT comes from you, Lord and that only you can satisfy and love me the way that nobody else can, God. I am eternally grateful for you God, I love you so much. God, let me continue to use your wisdom and knowledge to grow in my life God, and let me always continue to listen and pray and trust in you God, for your word says to walk by faith God, and it is easy to do, when you are so loving and trustworthy and faithful and always by my side,God. Lord, your love is so powerful and overwhelming, thank you for putting me through tribulation and trials Lord, that with your word and the power of your life I can overcome Lord and make my story part of your ultimate story, God. Lord, thank you for showing me that my light is essential to save the lost, God, that you have blessed me with gifts that I can use to further your kingdom and save many lives, God. Lord I am so amazed by you and your grace and mercy God, thank you for your forgiveness and your strength and for being my rock and salvation, God. I love you Lord! In your Sons holy and mighty name I pray to you, AMEN."

Until next time,

Sunday, May 8, 2011


i've been counting my blessings a lot lately.

living in a fallen world where everything around us tempts us to be negative, selfish and ungrateful through the enemy- how easy it is to forget how much we all truly have? very easy. first off- we are immensely blessed if we have a relationship with God and have his love. That really truly is all we need. All other things of this world will fade, but God never will. Two major foundations that the Bible are based on are love and forgiveness. Sometimes, in the middle of a trial or a difficult season in our life, it is easy to become attacked and surrounded with thoughts of discouragement, worthlessness, feelings of walking uphill and never being able to conquer the hill we are climbing. This is only human nature, we were created like this. But this all changes when we accept the Lord into our life and invite His spirit to live in us.

In Job 33:4 it says "The spirit of God made me, the breath of the Almighty gives me life." In Job, of all places.The story of Job essentially is one where God lets the devil strip Job of everything. Everything. His family, his job, his finances, you name it. Satan proposes to God that Job only praises and stays faithful to God because of Gods protection from suffering and heartbreak. Only God has control over what He lets the enemy do, so God allows the enemy to take everything from Job. Of course, several questions arise from Job- as humans who cannot see God to face to face often ask the same question: "Why MUST the righteous suffer?" Not only in Job, but in a lot of the Word do we learn why God allows these things to happen. It is beyond human ability to understand the "whys" of all of the suffering in the world. Too often, we blame our suffering and sin on our own lifestyles, when it fact, God is allowing it to be so. After all, He did create us with free will, and He knows every move we make and what will consist of our days before they are. Psalm 139: 1-14 goes into this detail about how He knows when we rise in the mornings and is familiar with ALl of our ways. What really gets me is this scripture: Psalm 139:6 says, "such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty I can not attain it."

Still, though, the enemys only role in life is to destroy us and our thoughts, to break us away fromn being faithful to the Lord, which is exactly which God ALLOWS him to do in Job. Although Job had many questions, never did he once curse God. He did, however, curse the day He was born. (Sound familiar? Even in my weakest of times, I have wondered if it really is all worth it. Of course with one worship song and staying in my is. It is ALL worth it and it is ALL happening for a reason.) Sometimes, at least in my life, I have felt I have lost it all. Just like Job. My family, my finances, my HEALTH, my sanity, everything. God allows Satan to take this all away from Job, promising the devil that Job will indeed be faithful. All of Jobs friends insist that God is "punishing" Job for his sinful life. But Job insists he hasn't really lived a sinful life. He was a righteous man who truly loved God. Then a man named Elihu comes before Job and tells him he needs to HUMBLE himself before God and truly submit to Gods use of trials to purify His life. We sin every day, every single day we fail God. We are never worthy of His love or mercy, or His grace. Sometimes, though, in just plain english, God lets things happen to PUT us in check. To show us where we have been- and or where we need to be. We need it. We need to be humbled, we need to be taught to put aside our pride, and sometimes- maybe He just does it to make sure we are actually allowing God to be in control and handle absolutely everything in our life. These are some powerful words, really think about them.

We cannot always blame suffering and sin on our lifestyles. Suffering may sometimes be allowed in our lives to purify, test, teach or strengthen the soul. God remains enough, deserves and requests our love and praise in all circumstances of life.

AMEN!!!!! Let this sink in. We don't walk by circumstances! We don't walk by faith! We can't see God, not until we get to Heaven. We walk by faith. 2 Corinthians 5:7 "For we walk by faith, not by sight." We walk just by trusting in Him and STRONG faith. We don't get through the difficult trials and huge life storms by having a little bit of faith. We SUSTAIN AND PREVAIL BY HAVING STRONG FAITH. BY HAVING STRONG FAITH. BY PUTTING ALL OF OUR HOPE TRUST AND LOVE IN GOD, and God alone. Not our earthly circumstances. Not our consequences when we sin.

On our own, we cannot make it through trials in our lives. In fact, we really can't make it through the day without God. All of these trials in our lives show us that not only can we not understand why God puts us through certain things, but that His love and our FAITHFULNESS is indeed enough. Often times, we will find ourselves looking to God and wondering why- why things aren't going our way? Why we feel like we are being punished when we are faithful? The Book of Job teaches us this. It teaches us that we, in the midst of the storms, we must lay ourselves down at the feet of God, we must go straight to God- and be accepting to learn extremely valuable and priceless lessons about His sovereignty of God, and our need as weak human beings to TOTALLY trust in the Lord.

No, it isn't easy. But God is so faithful. If He takes something out of our life, it is for a reason. He never takes away without giving back, and almost always more than what we had before. If He delays our blessing, it is because we are not letting go of something and letting Him fully work inside of us. Truly. Letting Jesus live inside of us. And sometimes- when we feel we are walking righteously and are being as faithful as we are in a fallen world- God takes it all away. Why? So that we strengthen our relationship with Him, even more than the day before. So that we NEVER forget to keep looking at God and praising Him- regardless. Gods deepest desire is for us to be in an intimate relationship with Him. As it is in earthly relationships, we are ever growing, no? We go through things that strengthen us, that make us value those relationships even more than the day before. Well, if we are doing that with earthly relationships, WE CAN ABSOLUTELY DO IT WITH OUR CREATOR! WITH THE KING OF THE UNIVERSE WHO IS SOLELY LOVE. We as humans must not only trust God when we do not understand, but indeed BECAUSE we do not understand! God is perfect. He asks us to trust Him wholely. That he works everything for good for those who love Him and trust Him. Romans 8:28. Although trusting God sometimes seems impossible, God is greater than us. His mind and thoughts are greater, says Isaiah 55:8-9.

The book of Job is such an inspiration to me, as it should be to anybody who has endured trials. Uh, newsflash: that should be EVERYBODY. God is ever lasting and and is ever faithful to us, why can't we be the same to Him? In Psalm 18:30 it says "As for God, His way is perfect." On that alone- His thoughts ways and plans are perfect. Whatever He is doing, whatever He allows to happen, is best. The best part? After Job meditates on all of this...after He realizes He truly needs to trust God and lay it all down, God restores Job. His health, happiness and prosperity are given back to Him, beyond greater measure than is before.

If we have any responsibility in our intimate relationship with Jesus, in our intimate faith, in our job as Christians and daughters and sons of the King, it is this. To trust the Lord, whether we understand it or not.

I am extremely blessed, and if God took it all away tomorrow- everything- I can truly tell you I would still praise Him. I am not blessed because of earthly things, I am blessed because I have a God who loves me regardless. Who covers me in His love, always. Who forgives and forgets and who delights in me. I believe that everything He does is for a reason and He knows best.

I am beyond blessed and will be forever solely because of Gods love.

Until next time!



Saturday, April 16, 2011

Oh, How He loves us!

Hey guys!

I just wanted to write a quick little blog about what's been going on in my heart lately. I've been sort of keeping to myself lately and just drowning myself in worship. I realized when I'm not out and about doing things, and I'm by myself, I'm not, really! I'm with GOD! There has been a lot going on in my heart lately, I've been dealing with heartbreak and being attacked by the enemy. What I realized today is,the more time I spend with the Lord, the more I cry out to Him, the more the devil can't stand it, so he tries to get at me more. Between reading Battlefield of The Mind by Joyce Meyer and Warrior Chicks by Holly Wagner, I have realized something. The more God breaks my heart, the stronger it makes me. The more the enemy attacks me, the closer I grow to God. He tries to make me angry and hurt, and give up on God, but as he keeps pushing, I remember Jesus died for me. I remember, God loves me. I remember,that He never takes anything away from me without giving me something better. I remember that instead of running to a bar like the devil wants me to, I run straight to Gods arms and let Him love me when I feel like nobody else does.

I have struggled so much lately. Between heartbreak and letting go of somebody I love, being far away from my family and not having their support, and struggling to truly let others love me, I have been broken. The devil has tried to tear me down and make my resiliant, strong heart and strong soul disappear.

And to be honest, it has faded. But sitting here tonight, (I'm babysitting) I wrote in my journal for 2 hours, read, worshipped, I stood up and started pacing around. I have realized that I have made a choice to let the devil get into my head and control it. I realized that I had a terrible couple of weeks because I started believing that I wasn't good enough, pretty enough, smart enough or strong enough. I began to believe that if I left this person I would NEVER find love, I convinced myself I was wrong, that my heart was wrong. I straight up stopped listening to God. Let me tell you all something. When I worship the Lord with all of my heart, when I keep in His word and thank Him and praise Him and pray, I still have bad weeks, because the devil hates it. And that's when I throw the Holy spirit up in the devils face and say, NOT TODAY!

But...can you imagine what happens when you stop the worship? Instead of crying just cry? Instead of sitting in your room talking to God, you sit in your room and don't all? Instead of reading Gods true word and letting it into your heart and believing believe what the enemy says, instead? I can. It's hard enough to live in this world WITH GOD, to constantly say no to things, to choose to believe Him, to choose His way and word and way of life. Can you imagine going back to living without God? Today...I watched a brutal fight between a young couple in the parking lot of Wal Mart in Pell City. The girl was swinging at the guy, the guy was calling the girl a crazy ***** and a ****. Cops showed up, I stood there and stared because I couldn't take my eyes away. I walked into Wal Mart, tons of young couples with children, EVERYBODY buying beer for the race weekend, all of these people around me living in this crazy world, most of them, without God. It...terrified me.

Lately, I've been dealing with a broken heart and broken confidence not because of my reality but because that's the enemy wants me to believe. He has done his best to place strongholds in my head, and I believed them. I have prayed to God to just show me what breaks His heart, to teach me why I have to endure these trials. Today, he did. That lost girl and young man physically fighting, emotionally beating each other down today. Fearful. Scared. Lost and in trouble. The young woman I saw coming out out of the bathroom with cuts all up and down her arms. Lost. Sad. Thinks nobody loves her. I think about these people, I stopped everywhere I went today and looked around at all of the brokeness in this world and I was terrified. There are generations out there that live like this. Daily. Lost, scared, alone, feel unworthy, no self confidence. They try to turn to everything earthly to mend their hearts when really, what they need is to know Gods Love. Until six months ago, I was that girl. I knew the Lord but I didn't know that he delights in me, that I am a princess and His daughter, and that He was always going to love me no matter what.

God didn't show me these things today to make me sad and make me tear up. He showed me because I am a leader and He needs me to endure these things. He needs me to endure these things so I can take my testimony and HELP these people. I live to serve God. God is asking me to look to Him to guide me, and press on towards my goal: to spread the gospel and save the lost. He showed me these things because He was saying "People like that, need people like you, and you know Me, and they need to know Me." When I have a rough couple of days or weeks like lately,I know it's because the enemy knows the Lords plans for me, and He knows everyday I am closer to attaining those dreams and fulfilling those goals.

My heart has been faint lately, but I know these are the Lords desires for me. He knows my heart can feel as faint as ever, but my spirit is strong, because it is HIS spirit that is strong in Me.

Just a little note to the devil, by the way: Your attempts aren't working on me. These trials are hard, but God works EVERYTHING, E V E R Y T H I N G together for good. So keep trying. What the devil doesn't realize is this: the more you push me, it's just a push closer right into God's loving, faithful arms.

Isaiah 12:2
" Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid, for the Lord is my strength and my song and has become my salvation."

Psalm 61: 2-4 "From the end of the Earth I call to you when my heart is faint, lead me to the rock that is higher than I, for you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the enemy."

Yes, even in these times of trials, testing my endurance, I need to realize two things. He is a strong tower against the enemy, My GOD will fight for me when I feel I can't fight for myself. And the other thing, God has BLESSED me beyond measure. I owe Him EVERYTHING, including my eternal praise. All of the glory goes to you, God!




Friday, March 18, 2011

Encountering God: My missing puzzle piece!

March 14th 2011

Today at work, (I'm a nanny), I was picking up and putting this foam colored puzzled
carpet back together that Ellie had pulled apart. I got up Monday morning with a
lot weighing on my mind and a pretty heavy heart. To be honest, one of the most
comfortable places to me is my car, I can find comfort in Jesus, worship, talk and
pray to Him so I popped in part 3 of Pastor Chris's "My Church" series into my cd
player. This particular cd talked about really truly encountering God. Not just
believing and worshipping but actually experience and feel Him. I get to work, Ellies almost a year old, (its hard to be sad, or actually anything but happy around children)so I waited until she fell asleep and here come the tears. To me, crying is beautiful. Its away, at least for me to lay it all down to God, and a good cry always makes me feel better, ( can I get an amen?!). So im crying, tears streaming down my face. Im on the floor and all the sudden I stop what im doing. I cant move, my eyes are closed, and all I can hear and feel is God. I FELT GOD. I had an encounter with Him. I opened my eyes about 15 seconds later and felt His presence. I paused, with goosebumps and heard God speak for a moment. "Look at this puzzle. This puzzle is your life. I am here. This is all happening for a bigger reason than you." I stopped crying and smiled, thinking of just how mysterious and wonderful He is. God showed up in my life that day, at that exact time to show me and speak to me because He knows there are pieces of my own puzzle I need to pick up. He knows I am broken hearted. Extremely.He also knows there are pieces of my puzzle that are missing, that He has taken away from me on purpose. I truly believe He decided firmly to show up today, right beside me with that puzzle piece in hand. ( The missing piece was a J, by the way. A sign? Of course. He knows what I am struggling with right now at this exact moment. He knows because he knows it all before it happens. He wants to help me pick up the pieces of my life where it's broken. He wants to fulfill his title of my Mighty Counselor, if I'll let him and trust Him to do so. Throughout the last few weeks of my time, I have struggled extremely hard and I have battled many trials and hardships. I have realized I try to control and fix things too much for my own good. What I have to realize is that Jesus is here to console me and grieve with me. He is my Mighty counselor and my friend. And He is not these things because He has to be or gets paid to be, but because of his compassion, His mercy, His love. He is my comfort in times where I need Him to be just that. In John 14:16 it says, " And I will pray to the father, and He shall give you another comforter, that he may be with you forever." He is talking about JESUS!!!! :) The most awesome thing is that he will never fail us, even when we fail him. Even when we are broken hearted, it says in scripture he will hear our heart and spirit and make it new. Ezekiel 36:26, " I will give you a new heart, I will put a new spirit in you." But what happens when we ask Jesus into our life and to be our savior, when we let Him heal our initial pain, and more trials come our way?" We must learn to trust God and His chosen son for good, always. All of the time. Even if we experience pain and heartbreak at some times. And we will. In 1 Peter 4:12 it says, " Beloved, do not find it strange when fiery trials of all kinds come along to test you, as though something strange was happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you participate in Christ's sufferings, so that you may also rejoice when His glory is revealed." Let me break it down for ya. When God takes something away, weighs on your heart for you to do something difficult, or puts you through certain trials and in certain situations, He's doing it for a big reason. He may be doing it to show you there is something better out there. He may be trying to take you out of your comfort zone, by offering you or calling you for something much bigger than yourself. All of the time though, God is doing works in our lives so that His glory is revealed. To show us that all the praise goes to Him, He is perfect and will never guide us astray or down the wrong path, IF WE TRUST AND LOVE IN HIM. James 1:2-4 says, " Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, so that you may be perfect and lacking in nothing." Today, staring at that puzzle piece, truly encountering God, for the first time really, since I was saved, I realized something. I realized that when I feel as if everything is falling apart, and I feel like I just lost a big piece of my puzzle (or a few big pieces), God will never take away without replacing that missing piece with something else. I thought to myself, I am extremely broken hearted and hurting. I have some big holes in my heart, and maybe even a few in my soul. I have been trapped in darkness in certain areas in my life. But at last, while I am healing, and it will take time, a lot of time, I can let God fill that void. And ALOT of Him! I don't EVER have to ask, search, beg or plead for Gods love, or his forgiveness. I don't need to seek his advice, because He weighs it on my heart before I even have to begin searching for the words to ask for it. The more hurt I am, the many testing of trials I have in my life, the stronger I grow in my relationship with the Lord. The harder I pray, the harder I seek for Him to heal me and break my chains. The more I talk to Him and the more time I spend with Him, it's easier to see that He's doing a work in this Princess's heart, and that He's working at setting me free completely. I get Gods love, and His guidance, along with His son loving on me, right where I am in my life. Because He's been there too. In Hebrews 2:17-18 MSG it says,"That’s why he had to enter into every detail of human life. Then, when he came before God as high priest to get rid of the people’s sins, he would have already experienced it all himself—all the pain, all the testing—and would be able to help where help was needed.” HE HAS BEEN THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is our inspiration, and truly our best friend. He understands it ALL. This all ties together, or to fit my analogy, fits together perfectly like the pieces of my puzzle. One of the best things about God's love is that it is a safe, 100% guarantee to lift me up and encourage me in times where I need an escape, when I am sad and have nowhere to turn. There is nothing dangerous nor painful about running into His arms when I am scared or hurt. He will never forsake me, betray me, or leave me. Hebrews 13:5. "I will never leave you, nor forsake you." He won't refuse to forgive me. He will always shower me abundantly with his love, mercy and grace. There is no embarrassment when I cry to Him or when I my voice shakes and I am fearful as I speak with him, in times of despair. He already knows. He expects me. And rejoices over me. We all have somebody in this life we could call at our absolute worst times. The doorstep we can show up on at 4am, when we are distraught, fearful, angry, sad, confused, doubtful, sad, torn, ETC. God's door is never locked. He doesn't have to show up, His spirit lives in us all. He doesn't have to show up. WE DO. We're the ones its up to. We have to decide whether to pick up the phone and tell Him whats going on. To make the drive in the middle of the night even though we don't know what to say. God KNOWS. PSALM 6:8-9 says, "Away from me, all you who do evil,for the LORD has heard my weeping.The LORD has heard my cry for mercy; the LORD accepts my prayer." The Lord knows when we cry. It is okay for me to lay down at the cross in and out of my times of trouble. Experiencing God, truly experiencing Him, was a feeling I cannot describe. He taught me today that He will never take away of piece of my puzzle and leave it missing, He's just doing some rearranging and prioritizing right now. That means more to me then anything has lately. I vow to follow Gods plans for me, and to be obedient to Him. "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." PSALM 37:4. I say yes to God and no to the world. Each day is a gift from Him, and everyday I can't wait to unwrap it!

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made! Your works are wonderful, I know that full well." PSALM 139:14

Let His will be done in me. I love you, God!

Until next time,



Saturday, March 12, 2011

We ARE set FREE!

Hey Everyone!

I just started this blog, I normally journal and God weighed on my heart to start a blog since I do a pretty good job communicating through writing.  (MOST of the time!) I'll keep the first one short, since the next one I'll post will be my testimony, THAT one will be good and long!

I just wanted to share a verse I came across in my devotional yesterday that weighed extremely hard on my heart. I've had my fair share of troubles, as I'm sure we all have. Lately, I have spent more then my ordinary amount of time praying and speaking to the Lord. I do every day, but I'm talking, alot more than my usual. Not only in my world, but on this Earth, there is so much and there are so many who need prayer. HOURLY. DAILY. Most of the ones who need it the most aren't even aware of it. I've been praying for my friends and loved ones in my family to be arrested by God; by his power, presence, and love. I've prayed for a serious revival in my family up North and my generation up there as well.

As I've spent time thinking and talking to God, I've started to realize that so many people don't really understand the true beauty and passion of Jesus, and furthermore, the LOVE he has for us. Not to mention, the grace, mercy and forgiveness...

In my devotional yesterday, which by the way, happened to be the VERY words I needed at that exact moment (COME ON, JESUS!), My God just reassured me that He is in control of my life. The high points, the trials, and even the lulls of my each day, he has planned out perfectly and knows exactly what I will endure. He assured me that no matter what, I am His treasured posession, and his princess. Boy, did I need this!

Even after you are saved, and almost always before, we always think God is judging us and even if we invite him into our life we will always be the same person that we were in the past. BUT THAT'S NOT TRUE!

In Ezekiel 36:26 it says, "I will give you a new a new heart and put a new spirit in you." Let's all read that again. God says, accept Him into your life, and he will GIVE you a new HEART! He will put a new spirit, His Spirit, The Holy spirit into you! The Holy spirit is LOVE! COMPASSION! IT IS HIS PERFECT IMAGE! IT IS GOD! LIVING IN YOU! Scripture says in 1John 4:4 "Greater is He that is in you, than He that is in the world." That means you are ONE POWERFUL PERSON!

That means, no matter how damaged, broken, scarred, scared, or fearful you are, because of what has happened in your past or what you've done in your past, God will wipe it all away and give you a new heart.  He will give you a new spirit, one filled with greatness and blessing, if you choose to accept his love, follow him, and use the blessings and gifts your God has given you! Not because you deserve it, or are loveable, but because God is LOVE.

You may think you are living a life fulfilled, redeemed, that because you act or seem happy on the outside you are therefore, fulfilled on the inside, but don't sell yourself short. Your answer is right in front of you. He is ready and waiting for you. In James 4:8, it says, "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." In other words, ask God into your life, ask him for his help, his hand, for him to come into your life, and HE WILL BE THERE. No questions asked. HANDS. DOWN.

This is for anybody out there who may or may not realize it, but they are living with anger, hate, HURT, pain, of any kind. Just remember, if you don't love yourself or love others, how could anybody possibly love you? Not that people can't love you if you're broken, but, let me put it this way. 1John 4:8 says "Whoever does not love, does not know God, because God is love!"  If you don't let the walls down and let your mighty God love you, you will never experience Him. And trust me, you don't want to miss it.

So, when you have those days when you feel you aren't worthy, or you are one who couldn't possibly put all of your faith into Him, because you don't know him, or don't think he exists, understands, loves, or forgives, remember this:

"The Lord your God is with you ALWAYS, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, He will rejoice over you with singing." Zephaniah 3:17

Sometimes, you won't feel the Lord singing. Sometimes, you will just feel his presence over you, a wind, a soft voice, his hand on your shoulder. He will be your best friend, if you'll let him! :)


Love YA'LL!

Until next time,
